Thursday, November 19, 2009

Are you a Barsexual??

So a lot of attention has been given to barsexuals lately. What is barsexual you may ask? Well Urban Dictionary describes a barsexual as "A heterosexual girl or woman who partakes in any sort of sexual or promiscuous activity with another female to get attention from males. This usually takes the form of making out, and to a lesser extent, grinding or dry humping with another female."

I have to be devil's advocate here and just ask if everyone would be as cool with this if it was men kissing men to get women's attention?

Don't get me wrong I'm all about people expressing their sexuality however they want. If someone wants to makeout with 30 girls I don't care. There was a segment on the Today show about barsexuals (this made me giggle hearing Meredith Vierra say the term) and how it is detrimental to women. Ummm.... okay how is this detrimental again?

There is another term in Urban Dictionary that is used LUG... which is a lesbian until graduation. I say why does it have to stop at graduation? why can you only makeout in places that charge a cover? If it the thrill of having people watch you (exhibitionist) then okay I get it but if you feel that it is the only time that it is acceptable then maybe you should explore leaving the bar.

Let me share a little story with you. There were some friends would go and make out at bars all the time which was acceptable. One night they went home and continued the makeout session... this was unacceptable with the friends because now they were "hooking up." This somehow crossed some sort of line. Why can't they go home and makeout and continue the fun? I think people are so worried about having labels placed on them that they are afraid to explore their own sexuality.

So what is the take away message... Go makeout with whoever you want and don't worry about what others think or what that makes you. Sing it with me....


  1. LOL. When I was in college, we called it being on the four-year plan. You make me want to blog!

  2. I miss making out with girls in college... guess I was on the 4 year plan as well
