Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Porn Star Zone

So you talked about drinking having the effect on men of not getting it up. What about after drinking a guy can get it up, but cannot finish, or it takes a long, long, long, time to finish? I like to call that the Porn Star zone.

It might be hard (pun intended) for people to understand why this is a problem. Well some partners may not enjoy a 2 hour session and it can also be frustrating to the person who is unable to finish if that is the intended goal. Just a reminder that sex can be enjoyable even if you don't finish, focus on the pleasure not the end point.

Why me?
Delayed ejaculation also known as retarded ejaculation can be a side effect of several drugs including alcohol. Since delayed ejaculation and erection problems are very common among excessive drinkers, the solution to this is pretty simple... limit drinking.

Sex 101
Ejaculation is an involuntary response (reflex) to sexual stimulation. In most cases the penis becomes hard due to stimulation (erection). This involuntary response involves the nervous system (brain and nerves) and the vascular system (blood vessels, etc...) Alcohol can slow and disable your senses and in turn delay or make ejaculation impossible. Sex relies heavily on your senses and alcohol desensitizes the body... it's a no win situation.

So what is the take away message.... If you want to avoid frustrations in bed and you aren't looking to become an alcoholic porn star I'd limit the alcohol and enjoy!

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