Thursday, February 18, 2010

My vajayjay looks like a disco ball!

What is Vajazzling?

Funny you should ask.. vajazzling is the art of decorating your vulva with jewels....and no, I'm not kidding. Esentially bedazzling your hooha. When looking into this a little more I thought that you could just add jewels and sparkles to your public hair but it is actually adhering jewels directly to your freshly shaven skin. I have heard of dying your pubes a different color but this takes it to a whole new level.

There is nothing wrong with this unless you could get an infection from the adhesive that you are using or a renegade jewel gets lodged somewhere. If if makes you feel good about your lady parts I am all about it. The more people become comfortable looking at, touching or in this case decorating their "down theres" the better. My question is when is penisjazzling going to become all the rage?

So.... have fun and shine on vaginas!


  1. I heard about this last week on a morning radio show here in Chicago. Could not believe this was a real product. Sounds like a good endorsement deal for one of the Jersey Shore girls.

  2. Just heard listening to a Mike O'Mera podcast that Jennifer Love -Hewitt has done this. She did it to make herself feel better after a break-up.
