I heard that cum is good for you if you swallow? Doesn't have protein in it?
First off no it isn't bad for you but it also shouldn't be substituted as a breakfast shake either. The average man ejaculates about a tablespoon of fluid which has 10% sperm and 90% seminal fluids.
Seminal Fluids?
Semen is made up of sperm and seminal fluids. The fluid is made up of secretions from the seminal vesicles, the prostate gland and Cowper's gland. The seminal vesicles produce a considerable bulk of the fluid, which is rich in sugars which the sperm use as an energy source to move about. The other fluids act as lubricants and to help protect the sperm make it through the environment of the vagina.
Calories & protein?
There are about 5-10 calories in a tablespoon of semen. Think of it as having a 10 calorie tic tac or a stick of gum. You aren't going to gain weight unless you are taking down gallons at a time. There is give or take 6mg of protein in cum. To put that in perspective a chicken breast is around 30 g of protein. There are .001 g in a mg.
*Here's a little fun fact. The average person needs 55 grams of protein per day. A tablespoon of semen is about 6mg of protein. So through several math equations later .. To get your daily allowance of protein a day through just semen you would have to swallow about 35.8 gallons per day and no one would ever recommend that for anyone.
*the information of the amount of protein in semen varies I chose 6 mg as a number to just illustrate a point.
I will not being eating tic tacs nor gum for a very long time.
ReplyDeletebut isnt there a good amount of creatine in it??