The Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) of the Month is........Trichomoniasis
What is it?
Even Run DMC knows... It's Trichy, Trichy, Trichy. Trichomoniasis (Trich) is an STI that affects both men and women, but it is seen more in women. Trich is a caused by parasite and the most common site for women in the vagina and the urethra (pee hole) for men.
How do you get it?
Trich is transmitted through sexual contact, either by penis to vagina or vulva to vulva contact. Just in case anyone forgot the vulva is the woman's external genitals.
How do I know if I have it?
Most men don't have any signs or symptoms but some complain of a mild burning or irritation after peeing or ejaculating. For women it is a little more obvious. Some women will have a foamy, yellow-green discharge with a strong odor. Others complain of pain while urinating or genital irritation and itching. To be properly diagnosed with Trich you must see a healthcare provider.
This can be fixed with a pill right?
Yes it can, Trich can be treated with prescription drugs prescribed by a healthcare provider. The best way to avoid getting Trich is to always have protected sex and/or sex with a monogamous partner will decrease your risks.
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