Tuesday, May 11, 2010

She's got legs.....

My girlfriend has really long legs and some positions are hard for her to get into.. any ideas?

A lot of people can find it awkward finding positions that work for them especially when there is a difference in stature. Sex is all about trial and error so you are going to need a sense of humor to try something and if it doesn't work out try something else. Here are a few positions that won't matter if she has really long legs.

Lay side by side like you are spooning your partner and enter her from behind.

Guy on top
Clearly this will work because her legs won't be a factor but try and utilize those lengthy legs pull them up next to your ears or have her wrap them around you.

Doggy style
Now you may think to your self, this won't work, but the more she spreads her knees away from her body the lower she will be.

If you really want to have her on top you are going to have to make up the difference in height somehow. Try putting a pillow under your back that way you can lift yourself up to where she is. Now granted I don't know how long your lady's legs are but I am assuming that you aren't going to need a forklift to make it up to her so If one pillow doesn't work try another.

Remember as ZZ top once wisely said "She's got legs, she knows how to use them." So she has the legs, she just needs to figure out how to use them. As always... ENJOY!

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